Welcome to my personal website! I try to consolidate my whole online life on this site, so most places I exist on the internet should be able to be found here.
I've had a personal site since around 2020 or so. I figured webpage writing and basic site setup might be a decent tool to have in the belt, and so far it's benefitted me in a few ways. Honestly though, I mostly just thought it would be cool to do. I always wanted a place online that was solely mine when I was younger, so this is largely just realizing that vision.
I have found that a personal website serves as an excellent digital business card. Some people get linktrees to serve this purpose- and while you will find essentially a linktree here too, I wanted something I could change however I want if I wanted to.
Aliases I use online include but are not limited to "3rdwrldbathhaus" and "zero image". If you've seen me anywhere online recently, it's probably under one or both of these names.